To add a new profile Walmart Product Global Settings
- Select the attribute from which you want the swatch images to be fetched to be used on Walmart.
- To configure the shipping settings, click the Add Rules button.
The field is expanded and appears as shown in the following figure:
- In the Enabled list, select Yes.
- In the Region list, select the required region.
- In the Method list, select the required shipping method.
- In the Magento Attribute Code list, select the corresponding attribute code. Note: Click the Add Rules button to add more shipping settings. To delete the rule, click the Delete button.
- In the Auto Image Resizing, select yes if you want to resize the images.
- On selecting Yes, the tab gets expanded and you can enter the size of image as shown in the image above, for the same.
Important Note: You may use the default settings for the above settings by selecting the Use Default option. On doing so, the actions that you took while doing the configurations will be applied.
- Now, in the right panel, click Walmart Product Advanced Price Settings tab.
The Walmart Product Advanced Price Settings tab is expanded as shown in the following figure:
Under Walmart Product Advanced Price Settings, enter the values in the corresponding fields.
- In the right panel, click the Walmart inventory rules tab.
The Walmart inventory rules tab is expanded as shown in the following figure:
Under Walmart inventory rules, do the following steps:
- In the Send Inventory on the Basis of Threshold list, select Yes to send the inventory based on a threshold. Note: Only when the admin selects Yes, the other fields appear.
The section appears as shown in the following figure: Note: Inventory Threshold Value is the minimum quantity of the inventory that the admin wants to have in hand.
- In the Inventory Threshold Value box, enter the required value.
- In the Send Inventory for Lesser Than Threshold Case box, enter the required value.
- In the Send Inventory for Greater Than Threshold Case box, enter the required value.
- Click the Save and Continue button.
- In the left navigation panel, click the Walmart Category Mapping menu.
The page appears as shown in the following figure:
- In the Category list, select the required Walmart category that the admin wants to map.
The Child Category list appears next to the Category list.
- In the Child Category list, select the required child category.
Depending upon the selection of the category and the sub-categories, the Walmart and Magento attributes appear under the Walmart / Magento Attribute Mapping (Required/ Optional mapping) section, if exist.
- You may map the attributes here.
- Go to the Walmart / Magento Attribute Mapping (Required/ Optional mapping) section.
- In the Magento Catalog Attribute column, select the required Magento attribute from the corresponding list to map it with the corresponding Walmart attribute.
- Repeat the mapping of all the required or optional Magento attributes listed with the corresponding Walmart attributes.
- Click the Add Attribute button to add more attributes.
- Now go to the Walmart / Magento Attribute Mapping (Variant Attribute Mapping) section.
- In the Magento Catalog Attribute column, select the required Magento attribute.
- In the Walmart Attribute column, select the required Walmart attribute to map it with the corresponding Magento attribute.