Under the
"Profiling", you can see the option to "
All Profiles" where you can see all your created profiles.
The page appears as follows:
To add a new profile, click on the button "
Add New Profile", the following page will appear:
General Information - Y
ou need to mention the Profile Name in the General Information. Profile name should be different from one another. NOTE:- You cannot edit a Profile's name once it gets saved!!
Profile Products -
Here you can see two options “Automated” and “Manual”. If you choose "Automated", then the products will automatically be assigned to the profile when imported new products with the same condition. If you choose "Manual", then you'll need to manually add the products in the profile when imported new products. Select the properties over which you want to create the profiles, it may be either
Product type or Vendor or Tags or Title. The next you'll need to complete the mapping part for the products.
Category Template - Overstock Marketplace Category - In the mapping section, select the respective
Overstock marketplace category in which
your Shopify product will come under. You need to go to the
root category for the product.
Note-> Here in the App you can directly choose the Preexisting Category template or create a new one.
Overstock Variant Mapping- Map the preferred Overstock attributes here(like Size for size, Color for color etc).
Overstock Value Mapping- Map the Shopify options with the Overstock's Value(Color, Size, Etc.) as above.
Product Template - Choose product's country of origin in this template.
Shipping Template - Fill the shipping template name or directly choose the Pre-existing Category template to assign the shipping method, Carrier name, days to fulfill, etc values to all products.
-> Inventory Template - This template is not necessary, but it may help you to customize your Inventory on Overstock. Like if you want to send different inventory from your Shopify Store.
Choose the Inventory Template from the drop-down which you want to assign in the respective profile. If no template has been created, can create one before assigning. (If you want you can Skip this field as it is not mandatory to create a Profile).
Price Template - This template is not necessary, but it may help you to customize your Price of your products on Overstock. Like if you want to send different Price from your Shopify Store.
Choose the Price Template from the drop-down which you want to assign in the respective profile. If no template has been created, can create one before assigning.
(If you want you can Skip this field as it is not madatory to create a Profile). After completing all the required fields, click on
Save button.
Your Profile will be successfully created at this point.