After retrieving the Amazon Affiliate API credentials, the store owner can use them while setting up the configurations through the Admin panel.
To set up the Amazon Affiliate Configuration
- Go to the Admin panel.
- On the left navigation bar, click the AMAZON AFFILIATE menu.
The menu appears as shown in the following figure:
- Click Configuration.
The Configuration page appears as shown in the following figure:
- In the right panel, click the Amazon Affiliate Settings tab.
The tab is expanded, and the section appears as shown in the following figure:
- Under Amazon Affiliate Settings, do the following:
- In the Amazon Affiliate Api Key box, paste the Access Key ID copied from the Amazon Affiliate account.
- In the Amazon Affiliate Tag Key box, paste the Store ID copied from the Amazon Affiliate account.
- In the Amazon Affiliate Secret Key box, paste the Secret Access Key copied from the Amazon Affiliate account.
- In Endpoint URL, enter the URL.
- Now Click on Customised Product Import Settings, and the tab is expanded as:
- Under Customised Product Import Settings, do the following steps:
- In Shipping Type, select the type of shipping from the menu.
- In Quantity Must Not Below, select the quantity.
- In the Enter Custom Price Lower Range, enter the price for the lower range products.
- In the Enter Custom Price Upper Range, enter the custom price of the upper range products.
- In Map Brand Attribute, add the brand attributes in Amazon.
- Scroll down to the Product Import Settings tab, and then click the tab.
The tab is expanded, and the section appears as shown in the following figure:
- Under Product Import Settings, do the following steps:
- In the Set Default Qty for Products box, enter the required number of products.
- In the Enable Imported Products list, select the Yes option to enable the imported products.
- In the Set Product Visibility list, select the required option to set the area where the product is visible.
- In the Set Throttle Limit box, enter the time in seconds.
Tip: To change the value, clear the Use System value check box. - In Set Product Push Limit, either enter the limit or select the system value.
- Now scroll down and click on Affiliate Cron Settings; the tab is expanded as:
- Under Affiliate Cron Settings, do the following steps:
- In All Inventory/Price Cron, select Enable to sync the inventory and price through crons.
- In All Inventory/Price Cron Expression, select the duration at which you want the inventory and price cron to run.
- In Push All Product Ids Cron, select Enable to push the products in the table.
- In All Product Push Cron, select the duration you want to run the product cron.
- In Process All Product Ids Cron, select Enable to process the product ids.
- In All Products Process Cron, select the duration at which you want products process cron to run.
- Click the Save Config button.
The Configuration settings are saved and a success message appears.