In API Configuration, you will find the API details that you have filled in while configuring the app on your BigCommerce store. The section displays already filled up Wish Merchant ID, the Access Token, and Token Expire Time. The API configuration appears as the image shown below:
In case your token gets expired due to inactivity or want to connect a new Wish account with your existing BigCommerce account, then you can regenerate a new token by clicking on the Regenerate Token button, as shown in the image below:
To regenerate the token, you need to follow these steps-
- Click on “Regenerate token”
- You will be directed to the Wish for the Merchants login page
- Fill up your login details and click on “SignIn”
- A Pop-up window will appear “Request for Permission”
- You need to click on the “Confirm” button for allows access
- And lastly, save the changes by clicking on the “Save” button on your API configuration section in the app.