Bulk Actions on the Google Shopping Actions Profile Listing Page

Bulk Actions on the Google Shopping Actions Profile Listing Page

Admin can delete the selected profiles and also can change the status of the profiles in bulk.

To delete the selected profiles in Bulk
  1. Go to the Magento Admin panel.
  2. On the top navigation bar, click the Google Shopping Integration menu. The menu appears as shown in the following figure:
  3. Click Profile Manager. The Google Shopping Actions Profile Listing page appears as shown in the following figure:
  4. Click on the checkboxes of the profiles you want to delete.
  5. On the Actions tab click on the dropdown. Click on Delete in order to remove the profiles.
  6. A Pop-up is displayed to confirm your choice. Select OK to Delete the profile.

To change the status of the selected profiles:
  1. Click on the checkboxes of the profiles you want to change the status of.
  2. On the Actions tab, click on the dropdown. Click on Disable/Enable in order to change the status of the profiles. When the status change is successfully performed a success message displays on the screen.

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