Configuration Settings

Configuration Settings


Configuration Settings 

To set up the configuration settings

  1. Go to the Magento Admin Panel.
  2. On the left navigation panel, click on the vidaXL Dropshipping menu.
  3. Click on Configuration.
    The Configuration page appears as shown below:
  4. In the right panel click on General Configuration, the section is expanded as shown below:
  5. Under General Information, do the following steps:
    • In Api Url, select the mode of the store,i.e., Sandbox or Live.
    • In Customer Email, enter the email id of the vidaXL customer.
    • In the API token, enter the token copied from your dropship panel of vidaXL.
    • In Debug, select Yes if you want the logs to be created.
  6. No click on Product Settings. The section is expanded as shown below:
  7. Under Product Settings, do the following steps:
    • In Create Category, select Yes if you want the category to be created for the product.
    • In Create Items in disable state, select Yes if want the items in a disabled state to be created.
    • In Create Brands, select Yes if you want to create a brand.
    • In Country For Data and Language, select the country from the drop-down menu for data and language.
    • In SKU Prefix, enter the unique prefix code that will be added along with the SKU.
    • In Increase by Per, enter the number by which the price will increase while importing.
    • In Increase by Fix, increase the added amount in price while importing the product. In the case both fields are filled then preference will go to per cent.
  8. Now scroll down and click on Order Settings. The tab is expanded as shown below:
  9. Under Order Settings, do the following steps:
    • In Create Order When, select the status when you want the order to be created.
    •  In Enable Create Shipment, select Yes if you want to create a shipment.
    •  In Customer Comment, enter the comment for the customer.
    • In Country Specific Order Creation, if you want to create orders country specific.
    • In the Select the Country for order creation, select the country for order creation.
    • In Order Carrier Mapping, map the Store Carrier with the Vidaxl carrier.
  10. Scroll down to Cron Settings, the section is expanded as shown below:
  11. Under Cron Settings do the following steps:
    • In Enable Product Update Crons, select Yes to update products through cron.
    • In Order Cron Expression, select the duration for order cron.
    • In Order Sync Cron, select Yes for order synchronisation.
    • In Order Sync Cron Expression, select the duration for order syncing with crons.
    • In Product Update Offset from API, enter the offers for product update.
  12. Click on the Save Config button.
    The configuration settings will be saved.

Note: The DROPSHIPZONE tab will come under the CEDCOMMERCE INTEGRATOR tab when admin enable Menu Merge option. You need to follow the steps to enable the extension- Cedcommerce Integrator -> Configuration -> Merge Menu -> Yes. Below images show the process:

As you select the status as Yes, it will be displayed in the