Once the store owners have installed the app and completed the two-step procedure of on boarding, they can now proceed further with the other configuration settings through the app. But first, take a look at how the dashboard of the app looks like :
Product Information: In this section, you can see all Products Information.
a) Active Products: Products that are live for sale on Best Buy Canada(available for customers to buy).
b) Inactive Products: Products that are uploaded from the app but are not live for sale due to any of the following reasons:
c) Not Uploaded Products: Products that are not Uploaded on Best Buy for sale but are available on Shopify.
d) Item Processing Products: Products that are uploaded and are under processing from the Best Buy end.
e) Profiled Products: Products that are kept under profiling, whose profile is already created.
f) Not Profiled Products: Products that are not yet profiled.
Order Information: In this section, you can see the details related to orders.
a) Acknowledged: Order is acknowledged/viewed by sellers.
c) Received: The seller receives the order and is ready to ship.
d) Shipped: Orders are shipped from Shopify.
e) Cancelled: Order is canceled by best buy Canada due to the late acknowledgment or late shipment.
f) Failed: Order is not acknowledged due to missing SKU or insufficient inventory.
g) Shipping: Orders that are still under shipping.
h) All: Total order placed on best buy Canada. Refer to the above image for Order Information.
Account Info: This includes the information about your account like the current plan, remaining days in your subscription, SKU import limit, SKU upload limit, and the order import limit.