The sections will help you edit and manage your default profile by choosing specific fields for your listings per category. Setting profiles help reduce creating profiles repeatedly whenever a new product is uploaded. In case you have not created a profile for any of your product category, the Default Profile is automatically applied on those products.
Begin by Michaels category, attributes, shipping, and returns in which you want to sell and assign the Shopify products.
For this, select your product’s category under Select Product Category for Mapping as displayed below.
Under Select Product Category, click on select and choose your category from the dropdown. After selecting your category, you will see your selected category in the box.
Thereafter, in Attribute(s) Mapping, you need to map all the required attributes. Variation and Recommended attributes are optional. Attributes enhance the visibility of your product catalog among the shoppers (they can shop using filters plus recommendations) across the Michaels marketplace.
Note: Take note of the formula of the dimensions. These dimensions should be strictly followed to generate the shipping label. What it means is that if the dimensions chosen exceeds what is acceptable for generating shipping labels, then your input will not be acceptable. Below is the formula for the dimensions that you must abide by:
Length: length< 108 inch and 2*width + 2*height + length < 165 inch
Width: 2*width + 2*height + length < 165inches
Height: 2*width + 2*height + length < 165 inch
Weight: < 150 lb (70kg)
After you have completed the attribute mapping, you need to choose the shipping and return options for your products. The details about each of the options are given just below the image.
Once done, click on the Save button to complete the onboarding process.