Edit Account, Fetch Token

Edit Account, Fetch Token

To Edit Account, Fetch Token,
  1. Go the Magento 2 admin panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click on the MLibre Multi-Account Integration menu. The appears as shown below:

  3. Click on Manage Accounts. The Manage Accounts page appear as shown in the following figure:

  4. Under the Actions column, click on the Edit button. After clicking you will be redirected to the page:

  5. You can edit the required information and then click on the Save button. The details will be saved.
To Fetch Token-
  1. On the Manage Accounts Page under the Actions column, click on the Fetch Token button.

  2. Clicking on the Fetch Token button you will be redirected the MercadoLibre Seller account page, from there you can fetch your account token.
To Perform Actions in Bulk-
  1. In the Manage Accounts page, select the desired accounts you want to perform the Actions.
  2. Then click on Actions in the left side of the page:

  3. Click on Delete.
  4. The selected accounts will be deleted in bulk.

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