To Edit the Profile,
- Go to your Magento Admin Panel.
- On the top navigation bar, place cursor on Trade Me.
- Click on Manage profiles. You will be navigated to page as shown below:
- Now click on the View/Edit sign in the last column adjacent to the profile, under Actions. You will be navigated to the page as shown below:
- Here, you may change the profile name or status of the profile.
- Similarly, from the left panel, you may make changes to the mapping and assignment of products to the profile you’re editing.
- Once the editing is done, click on the Save button and the changes will be saved.
- If you want to continue the editing, you may click the Save and Continue Edit button.
You may also change the status of the profile from the page where all your profiles are listed. To do that,
- Go to your Magento Admin Panel.
- On the top navigation bar, place cursor on Trade Me.
- Click on Manage profiles. You will be navigated to page as shown below:
- Now select all profiles by clicking Select All in the left side of page above the listing, or select the product for which you want the status to be changed.
- Now click on the drop down menu of Actions bar on the top right of the page. The option will appear as shown below:
- Select Change Status, and the option will appear as below.
- Now you may change the status of your profile to Active or Inactive and click on the Submit button.
- The status will be changed.