Error 8056: Incorrect ASIN Provided

Error 8056: Incorrect ASIN Provided

Error Description

The "Error 8056: The SKU was Submitted with Incorrect ASIN Provided as the 'External Product ID'" error indicates that the ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) provided for the SKU is either incorrect, does not exist in Amazon's catalog, or is improperly formatted. ASINs are unique identifiers assigned to products on Amazon, and they must match the existing product listings accurately. Providing an incorrect ASIN disrupts the listing process and causes this error.

Common Causes:

  1. Incorrect ASIN Entry: The ASIN entered for the SKU is incorrect or contains typographical errors.
  2. Invalid ASIN Format: The ASIN does not comply with Amazon's formatting requirements.
  3. Non-Existent ASIN: The ASIN provided does not correspond to any existing product in Amazon's catalog.
  4. Misaligned ASIN: The ASIN provided does not match the product details of the