Once you have provided all the details in the configuration section, then in the general settings you have to perform some general settings.
To set up the general settings in the WooCommerce admin panel
1. Go to the G2A panel on the left side of the navigation bar.
2. Click on SETTINGS below the G2A importer.
3. Once you click on settings, it redirects you to the settings page of G2A which will appear as shown in the image:4. Here in the settings, you have to select-a) Select Product State to be imported where you will set it on draft or published mode from the dropdown menu.
b) Select the Price Markup Type where you will set the price markup on flat or percentage mode from the dropdown menu.
c) In the price markup value, you will set the price.
d) In the Auto Import Frequency, you will set the auto importing frequency from the dropdown menu.
5. Once, you have provided all these details click on SAVE DETAILS to save your details.