Getting error: Could not set a calculated shipping profile to the listing. The listing is missing 'item weight', 'item length', 'item width', 'item height', 'item weight unit' or 'item dimensions unit'.
If you are providing calculated shipping to your products then you need to provide the product's dimensions to your products. And If you want to edit the product's dimensions from the App then you can edit them in bulk from the App. Follow these steps:
1.) Go to the "All Products" section of the App.
2.) Select the products
3.) Choose the "Bulk edit" option from the drop-down
4.) Click on the "Action" button.
If you want to edit the dimensions of a single product then you can use the product edit option by clicking on the "pencil icon" from the "All products" section.
Note: If you are updating anything from the product level, then you need to off the auto-syncing for that product as well.
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