Getting error : Invalid Price!

Getting error : Invalid Price!

The Price is less than the Minimum Listing Value on Etsy. The product’s prices must be within US$0.20 to US$50,000.  There are two ways of providing prices on Etsy. 

a.) You can provide the price in your Shopify store 

b.) Then choose the “Sync from Shopify” option from the App’s “All Products” section.

b.) Publish the product from the “All Product” section of the App.


a.) You can update the price directly from the App. 

b.) Click on the “edit option” to provide the Price. 

c.) Before publishing the product on Etsy disable the “auto-sync” setting for “price” from the “Product management” setting of the App or you can disable it product-wise from the App’s edit section. 

If you want then you can provide customize prices for your products through the “Price template” for more information you can check HERE. 

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