Why am I getting this error: "The listing is not editable, must be active or expired but is removed"?

Why am I getting this error: "The listing is not editable, must be active or expired but is removed"?

The error "The listing is not editable, must be active or expired but is removed" typically occurs when the product you're trying to publish on Etsy has been removed either by Etsy or by you earlier. Here's how to address the issue:

Possible Causes:

  1. Etsy Removal: If Etsy has removed the listing, it may be due to a violation of Etsy's policies. In this case, you’ll need to review the product to ensure it complies with Etsy’s guidelines.

  2. Manual Removal: If you removed the product yourself earlier, follow these steps to resolve the issue:

Steps to Resolve:

  1. Go to All Products in the app and search for the product with the error.
  2. Select the product and, under Bulk Actions, choose "Unlink listing on app", then click Action.
  3. After unlinking, select the product again, and under Bulk Actions, choose "Publish on Etsy", then click Action. This will re-upload the product to Etsy.