How does Shipping Template work?

How does Shipping Template work?

Creating a Shipping Template on the App will help you in assigning shipping prices on products in bulk on Wish. To create a Shipping template you can follow the below steps:

  1. Navigate to the Product >>Shipping Template from the Sidebar menu
  2. Click on "Create Template".
  3. Add a Template name & start choosing the different filters as per your requirement
  4. Select the warehouses on which you want to apply the shipping
  5. Add values save the page, it will be applied to the number of products that come under that filter
Note: Wish has accepted the shipping price on the basis of products, so the shipping price applied on any variant will be updated on each variant of the product.
For ex: If a product has 2 variants, one is having a weight of 3 and another is having 12, in this case, if you have applied the filter for weight, ranging between 3 to 5 then, shipping will be applied to the whole product not only on variants (if any variants lie in that filter)