How does Shipping Template work?
Creating a Shipping Template on the App will help you in assigning shipping prices on products in bulk on Wish. To create a Shipping template you can follow the below steps:
- Navigate to the Product >>Shipping Template from the Sidebar menu
- Click on "Create Template".
- Add a Template name & start choosing the different filters as per your requirement
- Select the warehouses on which you want to apply the shipping
- Add values save the page, it will be applied to the number of products that come under that filter
Note: Wish has accepted the shipping price on the basis of products, so the shipping price applied on any variant will be updated on each variant of the product.
For ex: If a product has 2 variants, one is having a weight of 3 and another is having 12, in this case, if you have applied the filter for weight, ranging between 3 to 5 then, shipping will be applied to the whole product not only on variants (if any variants lie in that filter)