How to Connect Shopify to the App?
To successfully connect the Shopify store to the AliExpress Connector app, you must have some credentials from Shopify. To get them, you need to create a Custom App. The steps to create a custom app are easy and simple. Follow the instructions chalked out one by one with images: - First of all, log in to your Shopify store Admin panel. Now, click on “Apps” in the menu list.
- On the opened popup, click on the last option “App and sales channel settings”.
- Hereafter, click on “Develop Apps” on the top right side of the screen.
- Now, click on “Create an App”.
- Once clicked, you will get a window opened for providing a name for this custom app. You may use the “Shopify Aliexpress Connector App” as a name. After providing a name, click on the option Create app.
- Now, on the opened window, select “Configure Admin API Scopes”.
- Now, you need to tick permission for the required API scopes as mentioned below:
- read_products
- read_product_listings
- write_orders
- write_resource_feedbacks
- read_locations
- read_inventory
- read_fulfillments
- After ticking all the required permissions, “click on Save”.
- Once all the required permissions are saved, you will be notified about the ‘Configuration saved’.
- Hereafter, click on “API Credentials” as shown in the image below:
- Now, click on the Install App button and take note of the API Key and Secret Key once installed.
- Make a note after clicking on the Reveal token once and copy the token for further use.
- Make a note after clicking on the Reveal token once and copy the token for further use.
Connect Shopify
Return to the app. Enter the following information on the app: API key, API secret key, Shop URL, and Admin API access token, and click on “Save” to connect your Shopify store with the app.
To locate your Shopify shop URL:
- Log in to your Shopify store.
- Check the URL address bar at the top of your screen.
- To get your shop URL, add “” right after “STORENAME”.
- For instance, if your store’s name is ‘FLOWERSELL’. Look at the URL address bar at the top of your screen. It should look like this: ‘’.
- Your shop URL is “”.
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