The error message you're encountering when adding a shipment for an order on the Shein Marketplace suggests that there might be an issue with the Tracking ID or Carrier Code you provided. To resolve this issue, follow these steps:
1 . Check Tracking ID: Ensure that the Tracking ID you have is valid and accurate for the shipment. Double-check for any typos or errors in the entered Tracking ID.
2. Verify Carrier Code: Confirm that you have selected the correct Carrier Code for the shipment. Refer to the list of supported Carrier Codes below:
For the US: UPS, USPS, FedEx, Amazon Logistic, TForce, ONTRAC, DHL ecommerce, LASERSHIP, AXLEHIRE, LSO, CDL, GLS, UDS, Speedx, Uni, rl-carriers, PiggyShip, UPS-MI.