I already have products listed on Etsy then how will I link them with my Shopify store via the app?

I already have products listed on Etsy then how will I link them with my Shopify store via the app?

If you have the same products on both Etsy & Shopify then you can link them easily in the app so that the app will acknowledge them & will not create Duplicate listongs on Etsy. For the products that are common on both Etsy & Shopify, they either need to have same SKU's or same Titles so that they Link Automatically, if they didn't then you need to Link them manually by visiting 'Link Etsy Product' section under the 'Products'

You can also take help from this DOC Link:-  https://docs.cedcommerce.com/shopify/etsy-shopify-integration/?section=link-products

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