You can choose all in case you wish to include all the categories.
In the Update Before Column, select the date before which products you want to import.In the Search Column, enter the product name or seller sku.In the Create Before Column, select the date before which you wish to create.In the Offset Column, select the number of products to be shipped.In the Create After & Update After Columns, select choose the preferred dates.Enter the Limit in the next Column, which is the maximum number of products to be imported in a single go. The maximum limit is hundred.In the Options Column, enter any additional information you want to add.Enter the SKU Seller list in the next column separated by commas.The next two sections of Default Values & Field Mapping is similar to the configuration page.Once you are done with entering and selecting all these needed information, click on Save Button to save all the import settings you have made changes for.