Install the app

Install the app

After downloading the modules, the user has to install all of them. The module helps the Magento 2 shop to integrate with the app. Once the user installs all the required modules, the app is ready to receive the API feeds from the Magento 2 shop. The naming convention of the downloaded package is as <>. For example, Prerequisites Here are some prerequisites that the user has to verify before installation:
  • Magento Version Community Edition 2.0 is already installed.
  • In case of any dependency on any extension, the relevant extension should be already installed.
To add the module to the Magento 2 directory
  1. Extract the downloaded package <>. Note: After extracting the compressed file, check whether the available folder is /app or <ModuleName>. If the available folder is /app, then go to step 1- a. If the available folder is <ModuleName>, then go to step 1- b.
    1. Copy the /app folder from the provided package and paste it into the <Magento 2 Folder>. OR
    2. Copy the folder <ModuleName> from the provided package and paste it to the <Magento 2 Folder>/app/code/MageNative. Note: Create the required folder structure in the system if it does not exist.
  2. Open the terminal (cmd) and do the following steps:
    1. Change the directory to Magento 2 root directory using the cd command.
    2. Run the command: php bin/magento setup:upgrade  Note: Only after completion of Step 2- b, follow the step 2-c:
    3. Run the command: php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy Note: Only after completion of Step 2- c, follow the step 2-d:
    4. Run the command: php bin/magento setup:di:compile Note: If php is not accessible globally then replace php with complete path of php.
  3. Go to the Admin panel of the store, and first clear the Magento 2 cache.

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