Inventory Template

Inventory Template

The inventory template in our app lets you store information about your Product category. You can set specific rules that you wish to apply to your inventory to manage the same over the marketplace. These inventory templates can be assigned to a profile and furnished with the product while uploading it on the marketplace.

The marketplace integration app lets you create inventory templates from the app itself. You can create any number of templates to assign or set a rule for your store's inventory. To create a new template, follow these steps -
  1. Click on Templates, and click on create a template. 
  2. From the drop-down menu, select the inventory option. 
  3. After creating the template, give it a unique name.

The inventory template comprises 2 important conditions that you can set for the inventory. They are -
  1. Threshold Value - Now you can set a minimum inventory limit for inventory with the marketplace. As soon as this limit is reached, the product will automatically start reflecting the out-of-stock signal. This is helpful as you will be notified before the stock runs out and you can restock the products in your store.
  2. Maximum Inventory level - You can also set the default maximum quantity for the products that you want to list on the marketplace. This will be the maximum inventory of the products that will be visible for the shoppers on the marketplace.

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