Ship and Delete the Amazon Orders The Magento 2 store owners can fetch the new orders and view all the order details fetched from Amazon. They can also ship the required orders and can delete the orders those are no more required. To fetch and view ...
Amazon Integration Configuration Settings *You can refer to this video for configuration of the extension:* You can also read these steps to set up the configuration settings in the Magento 2 Admin panel Go to the Magento 2 Admin panel. On the left ...
Amazon Reports To view the Amazon Reports Go to the Magento 2 Admin panel. On the left navigation bar, click the AMAZON INTEGRATION menu. The menu appears as shown in the following figure: Click on Report. The Amazon Report grid opens as shown below: ...
Amazon Feeds After uploading the product on Amazon or after updating the product inventory or the product price, the user can check the status of the feed and sync the selected feeds from the Amazon Feeds page. To view and manage the product feeds Go ...
Amazon System Status Amazon System Status You can check PHP version, Memory, Latest version of CedCommerce Amazon and CedCommerce integrator . Also can check List of Marketplace participation.