To edit a product
- Click the edit sign for the product you want to edit, under Actions column which has been highlighted inside red box in the image below:
- On clicking it, you will be navigated to the page which appears as:
- On this page, you may make the changes as required section-by-section.
- Once the changes have been made, click on the Save button on the top right side of the page.
- Changes will be made.
Mass Action On Products: From mass action you can perform the following actions on the selected products:
- Upload Products
- Create Offer on Products
- Update Offer and Stock
- Delete Offer
To do so:
- Select all the products you wish to perform mass action on by checking the checkboxes associated with the products.
- Or you may click Select All option on the upper left side of the page.
- Now click on Actions drop down on the upper right side of the page.
- When the menu appears, click on the desired action.
- Click Submit button.