Manage Apps

Manage Apps

To Manage App Section,
  1. Go to the Magento 2 Admin panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click the SELLERCENTER INTEGRATION Menu. The menu appears as shown in the figure:
  3. Click on Manage Apps. The Sellercenter Account Page appears as shown:
  4. Click on Add New Account. The Add New Account page appears as:
  5. Now under Account Information, do the following steps:
    • In the Account Version, the version of the account will be displayed.
    • In the Account Name, enter the name of the account.
    • In Marketplace, select the marketplace from the list.
    • In the Username, enter the username of the account.
    • In the API Key enter the API copied from the seller panel.
    • And then click on Validate for the validation/checking the account details entered.
  6. Now under Store, select the store view in Default Store.
  7. Click on Save Button. The account will be created.

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