Manage ManoMano Accounts

Manage ManoMano Accounts

To manage accounts,

The “manage Manomano accounts” section allows sellers to manage their accounts. This includes setting up a new account, editing existing accounts, and viewing the list of accounts created. 

  1. Go to the Magento Admin Panel.
  2. On the left navigation bar, click on the ManoMano Integration menu.
    The menu appears as shown below:
  3. Click on Manage Accounts.
    The Manage Account page appears as shown below:
  4. To add a new account, click on Add Account button in the top right corner.
    You’ll be redirected to a new page:
  5. In Active, switch the toggle button to Yes for enabling the account.
  6. In Account Name, enter the name for the account you want.
  7. In API Username, enter the name for the Manomano account API.
  8. In API Password, enter the unique password for the account you are creating.
  9. In  API Key, enter the API key for account integration.
  10. In Seller Contract Id, enter the unique seller contract id.
    ## Note: You can get both API Key and Seller Contract Id from Manomano tool box
  11. In Default Store, choose the Magento store view you want to use for your Manomano store.
  12. Click on the Save button.
    The new Account will be created and displayed in the Manage Account grid.

To Edit an Account,

  1. Go to the Manage account Page, and click on the Edit button under the Actions column.
  2. On clicking it you will be navigated to the Edit Account Page as shown below:
  3. Do the required changes and click on the Save button.
    The edits will be saved.

To delete an Account,

  1. Go to the Manage account Page, and click on the Delete button under the Actions column.
  2. The selected account will be deleted.
  3. To delete accounts in bulk, click on the Actions list.
  4. Click on Delete Account(s). The selected accounts will be deleted in bulk.

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