Manage Timeline

Manage Timeline

Etsy Integration For WooCommerce

The Timeline log stores the information related to the following:

Inventory Activity:

  1. Title: Reflects the name of the product for which the inventory update is processed.
  2. Operation: Operation under the inventory activity will be stated under the ‘Update’.
  3. Time: Exact date, day & time the inventory update was processed.
  4. Type: The type of activity falls under two sub-division- manually and automatic.
  5. Response: The final status is stored under the response column with either success or failure.

Product Activity:

  1. Title: Reflects the name of the product which is processed.
  2. Operation: The product section can have the upload/update/remove activities that will be mentioned in the column.
  3. Time: Exact date, day & time the product sync was processed.
  4. Response: The final status is stored under the response column with either success or failure.

Order Activity:

  1. Title: Etsy Order number is mentioned in this column.
  2. Operation: Operation under the orders will be stated under the ‘fetch’.
  3. Time: The respective date, day & time will be displayed when the order fetch was executed.
  4. Response: The final response of the orders will be stored under the response.

WP-Cron Executions:

Displays the cron information which is present in the plugin. It shows the last executed time and next execution time for the cron events:
  1. Auto updated inventory.
  2. Auto fetches order.
  3. Sync existing products.
  4. Auto upload products.

Do you still have questions and need assistance?

Stay in touch with our dedicated account managers, who will assist you throughout the onboarding process. Our team will be available 24*7 for your support.
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