Marketplace Configuration

Marketplace Configuration

There are three sections in the marketplace configuration settings:

  1. Connect with Walmart Canada
  2. Inventory and Price syncing
  3. Country of origin

Connect with Walmart Canada

You need to complete the settings to connect your store with the Walmart marketplace. So follow the steps below for that:
  1. Go to the Walmart Ca Integration app and click the Settings menu. The following page opens up:Settings
  2. Enter Walmart Canada Consumer Id and Walmart Canada Secret key in the given boxes.
  3. Click Save. Your store now gets connected with Walmart Canada.

Inventory and Price Syncing

From here, you can perform settings related to inventory and price syncing. Click the relevant check boxes for:
  • Syncing inventory from the app to Walmart Canada.
  • Syncing price from app to Walmart Canada.
  • Syncing inventory from the app to Walmart Canada irrespective of inventory policy on Shopify.

Next, click Save. The settings will get saved.

Country of Origin

The country of origin is the country in which the product exists. You can select your country of origin from the dropdown and then save it.

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