My tags are not showing on Etsy which are present on Shopify store.

My tags are not showing on Etsy which are present on Shopify store.

If the tags associated with your products are present on Shopify and it is not showing on Etsy, you need to check the auto-sync setting from the App and if it's enabled then you need to re-publish the same on Etsy to update the tags.

To update the tags, go to the 

  • Go to the 'Products' section and click on the 'All Products' sub-section.
  • Select the products for which you want to update the tags.
  • Click on Choose Bulk Action and the drop-down menu opens up, then
  • Choose the action "Publish on Etsy" and click on the Submit button.
  • A success message appears.

The tags available on Shopify have now been updated on Etsy. 

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