OnBuy Accounts

OnBuy Accounts

To start the integration, the first mandatory step for the admin user is to complete the Configuration.


Go to your WooCommerce admin panel and you will see the CedCommerce menu displayed in the left navigation bar.

OnBuy Integration For WooCommerce

Click on the OnBuy section of the panel.

The following page will display the Seller Name, OnBuy Seller Id, Company Name, and Account Status.

OnBuy Integration For WooCommerce

Click on the Connect OnBuy Account button and the next screen will prompt you to complete the form.

The admin user is required to provide the following details (as displayed below):

  • Seller Id
  • Consumer Key
  • Secret Key

OnBuy Integration For WooCommerce

To retrieve the Seller Id, Consumer Key, and Secret Key, you will need to log in to your OnBuy seller panel.

OnBuy Integration For WooCommerce

Enter your seller credentials and log in. You’ll be redirected to the OnBuy seller homepage.

Onbuy Integration For WooCommerce

Click on Imports & Integration under Listings & Products.

The page appears as:

Onbuy Integration For WooCommerce

Now, to enable the WooCommerce integration, click on WooCommerce Integration under Available Integrations.

Onbuy Integration For WooCommerce

After clicking on WooCommerce Integration, you will be redirected to the page as shown below. Click the Enable Integration button to enable the extension.

Onbuy Integration For WooCommerce

Once the extension is enabled, it will be visible in the list of Enabled Extensions.

Onbuy Integration For WooCommerce

Next, under Enabled Extension, click on WooCommerce Integration.

You’ll be redirected to a new page as shown below:

Onbuy Integration For WooCommerce

Retrieve all the necessary details from here and navigate back to the WooCommerce Seller panel.

Enter the Seller ID, Consumer Key, and Secret Key. Click the Add Account button to add the account.

Adding the account will reflect your Account with its Seller Name, OnBuy Seller Id, Company Name, and account status.

OnBuy Integration For WooCommerce

Also, you can delete your account just by selecting the checkbox placed before it, and selecting Delete from the dropdown as specified in the screenshot.

OnBuy Integration For WooCommerce

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