Order Management - Overview

Order Management - Overview

Order management is one of the core features of the app and it makes your life a lot easier by allowing you to manage all your Etsy orders from Shopify. This means that as soon as an order is placed on your Etsy shop and is paid for, the app will automatically fetch the order and then create it on Shopify with certain tags which will allow you to recognize that the order is from Etsy.  

Now since the order is created on Shopify, the inventory will go down. And one of the other core features of the app is the automatic and real-time syncing of price & inventory between Shopify and Etsy. So as soon as your inventory goes down on Shopify, it will go down on Etsy as well. This will save you from overselling because there is no manual work required to keep the inventory the same in both your shops.
So this is how the flow of Orders works in the CedCommerce Etsy Integration app -
Order Placed & Paid on Etsy > App fetches the Order > Creates the order on Shopify > Inventory is reduced on Shopify > The app automatically syncs the Inventory on Etsy > Order shipped on Shopify > Shipping details automatically sent on Etsy
The orders section is the fifth item from the top in the left-hand navigation menu. When you click on it, a sub-menu will appear containing the following items -

  • Order details - This section will show you all the orders you have received on Etsy. It will also allow you to sync shipped orders, fetch a single order manually, and fetch multiple orders manually from a specific time range.
  • Carrier mapping - This section allows you to map Shipping Carriers between Shopify and Etsy.
  • Map shipping method - This section allows you to map Shipping Methods (Mail Class) between Etsy and Shopify.
  • Mapped Order - This section shows you the Orders based on Etsy Product ID and Variant ID that have been Mapped with a specific SKU on Shopify.
Click on any of these options from the sub-menu to go to their respective pages. Let's discuss each section in detail.
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