TikTok Shop connector plugin is carefully devised to best suit the selling needs of a demanding Magento business. Receive all your TikTok Shop orders in the integration plugin and manage them from within the store effortlessly.
The end-to-end process of order syncing is real-time automated within the plugin itself. Whenever you receive an order on TikTok Shop and sync it with the plugin, you will get that order in the plugin within 5 minutes. So now, you don’t have to worry about going back and forth on multiple apps to receive and manage your orders; you can do all of it now with a single integration plugin.
From the top bar, you can find the product based on its status, i.e., awaiting shipment, awaiting collection, etc.
Note: All the orders will be created on the Magento store with the default id: buyerid@tiktok.com
(Note: You can view order details by clicking on the “TikTok Shop order ID”.)
With the “Map shipping carrier”, you can map the Magento shipping carrier with the TikTok Shop shipping carrier. For example, if a shipping carrier is named DFL on the Magento store, and the same is named DFL_US under TikTok Shop, you can map these two to avoid any confusion and streamline product shipping.
After clicking on “Map shipping carrier”, you will be redirected to the configuration page, and you can choose and map the shipping carrier using the drop-down menu.
You can fetch TikTok Shop orders to the app and manage them centrally. So if any new order is placed on TikTok Shop, you can find it in the plugin. Just click on fetch order, and within 5 minutes, any new order placed will be reflected in the plugin and then on the Magento store.
You can also search products by their name or number, or you use the ‘More filter’ option to search for an order based on its creation date.