

The OnBuy Integration for WooCommerce assists in syncing your items from your WooCommerce store to OnBuy and managing your OnBuy orders. The direct API integration enables the WooCommerce store owner to synchronize the price, inventory, order, and other details.

Key Features

1. Global setting on OnBuy

It is easy for admins to add or update the meta keys and other attributes of the product. Features of the global setting on OnBuy integration are the following:
      • MetaKeys and Attribute Listing – allows admins to select the checkboxes for the META KEYS AND ATTRIBUTES LIST  in order to map the selected meta keys to their attributes.
      • Order Setting – displays the order status on OnBuy to be synced with the WooCommerce store depending on its delivery state (i.e if it’s fully or partially dispatched, cancelled etc). Enable or disable the WooCommerce mail restriction for OnBuy orders as per your choice.
      • Setting Schedule – by using the cron job, automation of the inventory/price/order can be enabled or disabled by setting the time interval and admins can also sync existing product /auto-upload products.
      • BuyBox Setting – mark your presence among competitors with the OnBuy Buy Box. The feature lets you stand out by providing priority over the price range of any product among the other sellers.
Category mapping enables admins to select categories relevant to the product-specific keyword and includes the technical details and Category features for that specific category.

3. Profiling

Admin can use the Profiles to override the product settings at the category level.

4. Product Management

Admin can view all product details such as Product Image, Product Name, Product Type, Product Price, Product SKU, Product Stock, OnBuy winning price, Profile, and category name. Admin can apply the filters by Product, Post, Stock Status, Product Type, Product Category, and Product per page. Also, the admin can upload, update, remove a listing, create a listing and mark it as not uploaded.

5. Queue Management

Under queue management, the admin can find errors with products under approval to be listed on OnBuy and amend them in order to upload them again.

6. Order management

Using the “fetch order” button in this section, you can import the order from OnBuy to WooCommerce stores by filtering them by order status within the global setting tab. After the order has been fetched, you can update the order status as fully or partially dispatched or cancelled from the WooCommerce store.

7. Timeline Log

The Timeline log stores the information related to the Inventory, Product, Order Activity, and WP-Cron executions.
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