


Trade Me is amongst one of the top internet auction websites operating in New Zealand.

It is New Zealand’s most popular website and largest digital platform, with 75% of all domestic web traffic.

With 3.9 million registered users, it has a huge coverage. As 85% of the population of New Zealand holds a Trade Me account, the platform reaches a very broad demographic spread.

To make merchants experience the best selling results, CedCommerce brings the Trade Me Integration for Magento that not only allows the sellers to sell on Trade Me but also empowers the Magento store owner to synchronize the product inventory, price and other crucial details between Magento and Trade Me.

-Key Features-

  • Profile Based Category and Attribute Mapping: This extension authorizes the admin to map the Categories and Attributes based on the profile, at a single place on the admin panel.
  • Product Operation: It allows admin to perform product related tasks such as Product Uploading, ReListing, and Syncing, using bulk management system.
  • Manage TradeMe Orders: It allows admin to import orders from the TradeMe Marketplace to convert it into regular Magento Orders.
  • Easy Debug: Easy debug process for hassle-free products upload on the TradeMe marketplace.
  • Crons: Cron job automates the process for Order management.