Overview: Jumia Integration for WooCommerce
Why Jumia Integration for WooCommerce:
- Experience effortless selling expeditions by automating your Woocommerce store with the Jumia marketplace.
- The plugin brings down the manual effort and involvement in managing the store by bringing in the automated selling process.
- The extension allows the seller to synchronize the inventory, price, and other product details.
- With the integration, sellers can upload products in bulk, get feedback for the rejection of their products, synchronize product inventory between the Woocommerce store and Jumia online store,
- The plugin allows the seller to establish profile-based product upload and category mapping.
Key Features:
The bulk upload feature lets you upload multiple products in one go. This saves both time and effort, which is involved in the manual upload process. The seller can also set up different price rules and other product details for the Jumia listing.
The real-time synchronization of product inventory helps you avoid over-selling of your products and also increases the Return On Investment (ROI).
The integration fetches all the Jumia orders into the Woocommerce store for order fulfillment. The integration offers direct order updates from the Jumia marketplace for a hassle-free selling process.
Profile-based product upload allows the seller to map the Jumia category attributes with the Woocommerce attributes. This makes the uploading process of your products on the Jumia marketplace easy and less time-consuming.
The product category mapping lets the seller map multiple Woocommerce categories to a single category of the Jumia marketplace.
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Get Started
Go to the Jumia marketplace official Website and provide all the mandatory details and click to continue.