Overview of the Google Shopping Actions Integration For Magento 2

Overview of the Google Shopping Actions Integration For Magento 2

The Google Shopping Actions Integration For Magento 2 by CedCommerce is a handy tool that helps the Magento 2 store owners to boost their business and generate revenue as it interacts with Google Shopping Actions API's to connect the Magento 2 store. It provides an opportunity to cover a wide range of customers.

Sellers get the authority to create Google Shopping Actions Categories and the dependent attributes on the Magento 2 store. It also enables them to establish a mapping of the desired product category on the Magento 2 store for automatic submission of the selected product to the same category on Google Shopping Actions.

It enables the sellers to manage the Google Shopping Actions orders on the seller’s Magento 2 stores without making any significant changes to operational functionalities. Synchronizing orders, products, pricing, and inventory is possible through establishing the communication between Google Shopping Actions APIs and the Magento 2 stores.

Key Features are as follows:

  • Product Upload Based on Profile: Enables the seller to create a profile based on a single category, and then assign the products to the profile to automate the product upload.
  • Magento Order creation: The newly placed orders on Google Shopping Actions are automatically created in the Magento 2 stores with all the required details as it is on Google Shopping Actions.
  • Bulk upload Methodology: Seller gets the authority to upload bulk products on Google Shopping Actions but just selecting the products and upload in one go.
  • Product Data Validation: The extension enables validating the product information in accordance with Google Shopping Actions standards and values.
  • Product category mapping: Follows category mapping philosophy. Sellers can map any category of the Magento 2 stores to the single category of Google Shopping Actions.
  • Auto synchronization: Auto synchronization of the product listing, order, inventory, and pricing at regular intervals is established between Magento 2 Store and Google Shopping Actions
  • Auto-shipment procedure: Provides sellers with the ability to automate the process of shipment with Shipstation, Shipwork, Stamps.com, Linnworks, Xtento, ShipRush.
  • Email Notification: Sellers receives the notification through the mail on new order creation, low stock and if the product is rejected from Google Shopping Actions.

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