Product Images do not meet Catch Guidelines [ MP ]
- The image was not sent successfully to Catch due to the dimension or invalid URL image.
- The first image does not have a clean white background.
- The first image does not show the entire product.
- The image was unclear.
- The first images contain watermarks, logos, badges, texts, and stamps.
- The image of the packaging or description does not meet the basic the English grammar requirements.
- The image does not meet the basic English grammar and/or sentence structure requirements including spelling.
- There are images not relevant to associated products.
- The image provided is not in a professional lifestyle shot.
- The images in your product listings does not show the various views of the product.
- There are duplicate images.
- There are other colours and size of the products included in the images.
- The imagery contains commercial, seller or postage information.
- The image contains 20%, 50%, coupon code and/or references to the postage service (Auspost, Toll etc.)
- The imagery contains warranty information.
- The video/image provided in your product data shows a URL.
- The image provided does not correspond to the color mentioned in the title
- The image provided is for illustration purposes only.
- The image size chart is unreadable/unclear.
Possible Solutions
- *Professional lifestyle images of the product
- *Images provided should only include the relevant product offered
- *Remove watermarks, logos, badges, texts, and stamps
- *Remove duplicate images
- *Remove warranty and shipping information
- *Remove URLs or contact information
- *Provide an image of the actual product.
- *Remove the images showing other colours or variant.
- Images of international models/variations will not be allowed
- Provide an image size chart that is clear or readable
Once you have corrected the information please publish the product again
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