Product Listing Grid

Product Listing Grid

You can navigate to the product listing grid by clicking on the "Product Listing" option in the left navigation bar. In the grid, each column provides specific information about your products, except for the 'Action' column, which lets you access and view the details of each product.
Products Listing Here are the details of each column:
  • Image: This section displays the main product image for your item on MCF.
  • Title: Under this section, you'll find the title of your product.
  • ASIN: It shows the Amazon Standard Identification Number.
  • Stock: This column provides an overview of available stock across your product variations.
  • Action: The view button available here will allow you to view the product details on a dedicated page within the app.

Sync Inventory

If you have enabled the "Sync Inventory" option in the General Settings section then the app will sync inventory automatically from MCF to Shopify. However, you can sync the inventory manually as well, to do so, follow these steps:1. Choose the specific Product(s). 2. Click on the "Sync Inventory" option.
3. A notification will appear in the activities section once the inventory syncing process starts successfully. 4. A message confirming the successful completion will also be displayed in the activities section when the operation is complete. However, if you have disabled the "Sync Inventory" option in the General Settings then you won't be able to sync inventory manually as well from here. If you wish to do so then please navigate to Settings > General Settings & enable the "Sync Inventory" option. Then navigate back to the products listing grid & sync inventory manually by following the above steps.

Search/Filter product

If you are looking for a particular product(s), you can easily search for them from the ‘Search Bar' using the Amazon product title or apply a filter based on the SKU, Barcode & ASIN.

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