Product Section

Product Section

Product section
    • Related Articles

    • Product Management

      The product management section is divided into two parts - Shopify Section - This allows you to configure how the app interacts with your Shopify store. Etsy Section - This allows you to configure how the app interacts with your Etsy Shop. Let's take ...
    • Product Import

      In the last step, you connected the app with your Etsy shop which automatically redirected you to the Product Import step, which appears as shown below. Note - It is important to understand that importing the products will only fetch them from ...
    • All Products Section - Overview

      The 'All Products' page is divided into three main parts. The first part, on the top, gives you the option to export & import products and sync the data with Etsy. The second part includes the different product tabs: Profile assigned, Not Profiled, ...
    • Profiling Section on the App

      Profiling is one of the core features of the app and you must understand how it works. To list your products on Etsy, you first need to create a profile that will contain information about the Etsy category, the assigned products, the required Etsy ...
    • Activities Section

      The Activities page is the 7th item from the top in the left-hand navigation menu and it shows you both the ongoing activities and also the completed activities that the app has performed over time. Ongoing activities are any bulk actions that the ...