Products information on the “Dashboard” of the app is not updating?
Products information on the “Dashboard” of the app is not updating?
Click on the “Last Refresh” button at the top of the Home page of the app. It will automatically update the product information. Refer to the image below:
Congratulations on completing the onboarding. What you are seeing now is the App Dashboard that can be accessed by clicking on ‘Overview’ in the left-hand side navigation menu. The dashboard will you manage everything related to your Etsy Shop, while ...
You cannot delete products directly from the app. If you want to remove specific products, please contact our representative with the details of the products, and they will delete them for you. To list newly created Shopify products on Etsy via the ...
After linking already listed Etsy products with their respective Shopify products, the Etsy variants get overwritten by Shopify ones. It means the product's information on Shopify will be overridden on Etsy. Example: I have 5 variations on Etsy ...
Manually link your Etsy products with Shopify products 1.) If your products not contains the same sku and variations options then you need to link manually those Etsy products with Shopify products. FROM HERE. Products are not available in the App ...
To import products from Etsy to Shopify you need to follow these steps: 1. Click on the "Product" section of the App. 2. Click on the "Export to Shopify" option. 3. From the "Not linked" tab you can choose the products which you want to import on ...