Searched Products and Import
To see all the products that come under the search that you have created and to import them to your Magento store, you need to go through the searched product section. For that,
- Go to Magento admin panel.
- Click on Taobao Product Importer on left navigation bar.
- When menu appears, click on Searched Products.
- On clicking it, you will be navigated to the page as shown below:
- Now, to view these products on Taobao, click on View on Taobao under Actions, adjacent to the product that you want to see.
- On clicking it, you will be navigated to Taobao.
- To import the products, select the products by checking the corresponding boxes.
- Now click the Actions drop down on the top left side of the page. When the menu appears, click Import Products.
- A box will appear asking you to confirm your action. Click OK.
- On clicking OK, you will be navigated to a page on which you may see the product import status as shown below:
- The products will be uploaded from Taobao to your Magento store.
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