

♣ API Settings

From setting section seller can change or update their Consumer Id and Private Key.

These keys (such as Consumer Id and Private Key) are used to connect your account with our Walmart Ca Integration app.

How to get the API Credentials from the Walmart Seller Account

After the SignUp for the SWW a page will appear like this:

Fig 1.1

After retrieving the Consumer Id and the Private Key

from Walmart Canada seller account, the merchant has to copy all of them one by one from the Walmart Seller account and paste it one by one to the app.

How to get Consumer Id and Private Key

  1. Open the Walmart Canada Seller account.
  2. Click the Settings icon, a drop-down will open like in the  following figure:
  3. Click on Consumer ID & Private Keys. The page appears as shown in the figure:
  4. Copy the consumer Id and paste it on the app.
  5. Click on the Regenerate Key button to get the Private Key.
  6. Copy and paste the Private Key on app

Warning! Don’t regenerate the Private Key again and again.

♣ Account Info

In this section you can only check the status of your Account either it is ActiveUnder Review or Inactive.

♣ Shipping

In this section, you can check the shipment method you have selected with Express or Ground. Further you can enable and disable the Automatic Order shipment. As you can see in below screenshot:

Fig 1.5