Once you have set up everything, then comes a few tasks that you’ll need to overview and confirm for the smooth functioning of the app. The settings section facilitates just that.
The section can be accessed by following the steps
- Open TheMarket BigCommerce Integration app
- Click on the Settings Icon sitting on the extreme right of your screen
On clicking, you will redirect to the TheMarket Settings page, wherein you can perform the following tasks
- Access API Key
- TheMarket Order Management
- BigCommerce Setting
- Product Setting
1 - TheMarket API Setting gives you an option to access and update the TheMarket Client Secret Key with ease if need be.
2 - TheMarket Order Management provides you with an option where you can select whether you want to synchronize the TheMarket Orders with the BigCommerce store or not.
3 - BigCommerce Setting comes with checkboxes where you can simply check the boxes corresponding to various options available for syncing your BigCommerce store with the app.
4 - Product Settings is a bulk action feature with which you can set instructions on the app to reflect on TheMarket.com. It can be related to custom pricing, removal of free shipping, Threshold product inventory, product sale price, etc., for all BigCommerce products available in TheMarket.