Effortlessly sync your eBay Orders into WooCommerce and view them in this section. At a glance, you can view information such as Ordered products, WooCommerce Order ID, eBay Order ID, Customer Name, and eBay buyer ID. You can also click on the Edit link under the Action column, which will take you directly to the imported WooCommerce order.
If, for some reason, automatic order syncing is not running, you can manually click the Fetch Orders button to fetch the latest orders. You can also click on the Turn On eBay Orders Sync button to turn ON automatic order syncing.
If you want to fetch any particular eBay order, you can enter its order ID and click the Fetch Order button in the same section.
By default, we only fetch orders placed in the last 2 days. If you want to fetch older eBay orders, kindly get in touch with us. Our plugin only fetches PAID & NOT SHIPPED orders from eBay. If an eBay order is paid for, its created in the Processing state in WooCommerce.
eBay doesn’t give out the real buyer’s email address but instead an alias email. Our plugin inserts a fake email address into the WooCommerce order and not the alias email so as to prevent any automated promotional email from landing in the eBay buyer’s message inbox, which is against eBay ToS. Apart from this, all other information from eBay is fetched as it is and inserted into the WooCommerce order.
You would be able to distinguish your WooCommerce store orders from your eBay imported orders, as shown in the image below. Each eBay imported order in WooCommerce will have eBay as Order Source in the Order table.
Once an eBay order is imported into WooCommerce, you can manually fulfill your order by sending the tracking information right from within the WooCommerce order. To do so, open the Order Edit page and enter the tracking information and select the Shipping service in the section shown below and click on the Submit Shipment button. If the order is successfully dispatched on eBay, it will be marked as completed in WooCommerce.
At the moment, we don’t provide automatic order fulfillment on eBay due to the variety of plugins our sellers use to get the tracking info into their WooCommerce orders. However, we have planned to support WooCommerce Shipment Tracking plugin for automatic order fulfillment officially.