The purpose of the TikTok Orders section is to assist you in seamlessly importing orders from the TikTok Shop to your Magento store. You can also view all order details fetched from TikTok to your Magento store. Actions You Can Perform in TikTok ...
Description of Fields in TikTok Account Account Id - The Id of your TikTok account. Title - It is the name of your account. Status - The value here denotes the status of your account. It will be Valid for active accounts and Invalid for disabled ...
Setup Wizard Click on TikTok Shop Marketplace from the left-hand menu. You will be redirected to TikTok Shop Setup Wizard. Herein, you will get four steps to set up your TikTok Shop wizard. These are as follows: User Registration Marketplace ...
Marketplace ID -This refers to the unique identifier of the product on the TikTok Shop. Account ID - The account ID of the Magento store in which the order is imported from the TikTok Shop. Sales Order Increment ID - An increment ID assigned to each ...
You need to provide the details of the following fields to create a new order policy: Title: You need to provide the name of the policy for internal identification. Create Order In Magento: Enabling this option will create the TikTok orders in your ...