Templates Section

Templates Section

The Templates section helps you create templates for categorizing your products effectively. These templates streamline your product listings, ensuring they meet Shein’s guidelines and provide an improved shopping experience for your customers. 

How to create a template?

Creating a template involves a five-step process:

1/5: Category Mapping and Product Assignment

Assign Category
Browse and select the desired category and move ahead to assigning the products

Assign Products
Using different rule groups, you can add products to the template. Ensure you understand the following terminologies before adding the products:

  1. Product Attribute: consists of three attributes - Product Type, Product Vendor, and Product Title. You can choose the one that best describes your product and can be used to compare against the condition for better categorization.
  2. Condition: This is the situational parameter you set against the selected product attribute to choose the products for the given rule group. Based on the product attribute, the condition can be of four types - Equals, Not Equals, Contains, and Not Contains. You can choose the best condition to assign your products to the template.
  3. Attribute Value: Add the desired attribute value that best describes the product you want to assign to the template.
  4. Rule Groups: Rule groups allow you to define different sets of rules. You can create multiple rule groups for a template. If any rule group is satisfied, the product will be added to the template. 
Refer to the following example to better understand the functionality of all the above terms:

If you’re creating a template for ‘Men’s Shoes,’ you might set parameters like ‘Product title: Men MC Trainer Training Shoes’, ‘Condition: Contains’, ‘Product type: Training shoes,’ and ‘Vendor: Nike.’ The product must meet all of these parameters to be added to the template.
You can also add multiple conditions within the same rule group and also add multiple rule groups. Each additional condition in the same rule group follows the “AND” case (i.e., Conditions A and B must be satisfied for the rule group to be successful). Each additional rule group follows the “OR” case (i.e., if the product satisfies rule group 1 or rule group 2, it will be added to the template). 

2/5: Variation Mapping

For Variant Products
Proper variant mapping is crucial for accurate product listings on Shein. It ensures that your products are displayed correctly, with consistent variant options. This not only improves the shopping experience for your customers but also helps you manage your inventory efficiently.

  1. ‘Option Name for Shopify’: Specify the variant names for your products on Shopify. For example, you can use ‘Color,’ ‘Shade,’ or ‘Pattern’.
  2. ‘Option Name for Shein’: Here, enter the equivalent variant name used on Shein, which can typically be ‘Color’ or ‘Pattern.’ Please note that Shein accepts only one option name.
  3. ‘Option Value for Shopify’: “Provide the specific values for each variant option you mentioned in the ‘Option Name for Shopify.’ For instance, ‘Red,’ ‘Maroon,’ ‘Deep Red,’ etc.
  4. ‘Option Value for Shein’: In this box, enter the corresponding single value for the variant, as required by Shein. For example, ‘Red’ for ‘Color.’ This ensures seamless compatibility with Shein’s guidelines.
How to Map Simple Products? 

Simple products have no variant and thus, need to be mapped by following these steps: 

Step 1: ‘Option Name for Shopify’

In the ‘Option Name for Shopify’ box, enter ‘Color’ (or another applicable style attribute) to define the style option for your simple products.

Step 2: Option Name for Shein

In the ‘Option Name for Shein’ box, also specify ‘Color’ to align with Shein’s requirements.

Step 3: Option Value for Shopify

In the ‘Option Value for Shopify’ box, indicate the specific style, such as ‘Red,’ that corresponds to your product.

Step 4: Option Value for Shein

In the ‘Option Value for Shein’ box, enter the same style value, ensuring consistency with Shein’s system, e.g., ‘Red.’

Note: If the simple product doesn’t have the option name then Shopify assigns “default title” as the option name for that Shopify product. You can map it using the “default title” with the Shein counterpart. 

Mapping style for simple products ensures a seamless presentation of your items on Shein, simplifying the shopping experience for your customers.

3/5: Size Chart 

The size chart is an optional section for the user and requires values that are non-negative, up to 2 decimal digits, and not equal to zero for specified attributes. Ensure, that each of the provided values matches the measurement units by Shein. 

4/5: Brand Selection and Packaging Details

  1. Brand Selection: The user needs to select the brand that best matches the products. You can also choose the brand corresponding to your Shein product. 
  2. Packaging Details: This option allows the user to enter the measurements for the product’s packaging. You must ensure that each measurement for length, width, height, and weight is in CM and GM as SHEIN only allows these units. 
  3. Product Specific Packaging: The user can activate this option to fill in the measurements of individual product packaging.

5/5: Attribute Mapping and Price Settings

In this section, the user can map the attributes of individual products or apply the same mapping to all products together. Mapping attributes are a great way to enhance your visibility to the shoppers on Shein. Highly specific product details help the shoppers to discover the products easily. 

You can also add optional attributes that can be added to the template. 

The user can also customize the price of products on Shein by selecting the desired option from the following:
  1. Same price as on Shopify: You can select this option to keep the product price the same on Shein as that on Shopify
  2. By fixed value: You can choose to increase or decrease the price by a fixed value as compared to the Shopify price of the product
  3. By percentage: You can define the increase or decrease in the product price by a certain percentage as compared to the Shopify price of the product
  4. Use Shopify compare at price: By selecting this option, you will have the option to pick either the base price or the sale price of the product on Shopify

Saving Your Template

  1. After completing the template creation process, click on ‘Save Template’
  2. Provide a name for your template, making it easy to identify and manage.

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