Walmart Magento Configuration Settings
To complete the Configuration Settings, do the following:Here, in the Walmart Swatches Attributes, you may select the attribute from which the swatch images will be fetched for your products.
To configure the shipping settings, click the Add Rules button.
The field is expanded and appears as shown in the following figure:
- In the Enabled list, select Yes.
- In the Region list, select the required region.
- In the Method list, select the required shipping method.
- In the Magento Attribute Code list, select the corresponding attribute code.
Note: Click the Add Rules button to add more shipping settings. To delete the rule, click the Delete button.
- In the Auto Image Resizing, if you select Yes, the tab gets opened further like shown below and you may choose the size of the images for products.
- Now, click Walmart Product Advanced Price Settings tab.
The Walmart Product Advanced Price Settings tab is expanded as shown in the following figure:
- Now, in the Walmart Product Price, you have options to choose from, to send a price to Walmart which is shown in the below pointers on this page. If you select one of the options - like Increase by fixed price in the below image - the tab gets expanded further as below:
Under Walmart Product Price, enter the values in the corresponding fields.
User can set the price on the following basis: -
- Increase by Fixed Price: If selected, then the Enter Amount field appears.
- Increase by Fixed Percentage: If selected, then the Enter Percentage field appears.
Enter the numeric value to increase the price of the Walmart product price by the entered value % of Magento price
For Example: Magento price + 5% of Magento price.
Magento Price = 100
Select Increase By Fixed Percentage option
Enter Percentage = 5
100 + 5% of 100 = 100 + 5 = 105
Thus, Walmart Product Price = 105 - Decrease by Fixed Price: If selected, then the Enter Amount field appears.
- Decrease by Fixed Percentage: If selected, then the Enter Percentage field appears.
Enter the numeric value to decrease the price of the the Walmart product price by the entered value % of Magento price
For Example: Magento price - 5% of Magento price.
Magento Price = 100
Select Decrease By Fixed Percentage option
Enter Percentage = 5
100 - 5% of 100 = 100 - 5 = 95
Thus, Walmart Product Price = 95
- Fulfilment Lag Time: Enter Fulfilment Lag Time for products on Walmart.
Next is the Walmart Inventory Rules.
- Click the Walmart inventory rules tab.
The Walmart inventory rules tab is expanded as shown in the following figure:
- Under Walmart inventory rules, do the following steps:
- In the Send Inventory on the Basis of Threshold list, select Yes to send the inventory based on threshold.
Note: Only when the admin selects Yes, the other fields appear. Threshold Inventory is the minimum count of an item that the store owner wants to keep in stock.
The section appears as shown in the following figure:
- In the Inventory Threshold Value box, enter the required value.
- In the Send Inventory for Lesser Than Threshold Case box, enter the required value.
- In the Send Inventory for Greater Than Threshold Case box, enter the required value.
Next is the Cron Settings in the process.
- Click the Cron Settings tab.
The Cron Settings tab is expanded as shown in the following figure:
Under Cron Settings, do the following steps:
- In the Cron Settings Override list, select Yes to enable the cron settings.
Note: Only when the admin selects Yes, the other fields appear.
In the Enable Order Cron list, select Yes to enable the order cron.
The Order Cron field appears.
- In the Order Cron box, enter the required value.
In the Enable Inventory Cron list, select Yes to enable the order cron.
The Product Inventory Update Cron field appears.
- In the Product Inventory Update Cron box, enter the required value.
In the Enable Price Cron list, select Yes to enable the order cron.
The Product Price Update Cron field appears.
- In the Product Price Update Cron box, enter the required value.
The section appears as shown in the following figure:
- Click the Save Config button.
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