What are the various Order categories?
Failed orders- All the Amazon orders that failed to be created/synced on the Shopify Store
Archived orders - These are the orders that have archived from the order grid
Refund Orders - Those Amazon orders that are refunded from Shopify
Cancel orders - Those orders that are canceled on Amazon
Failed refund orders - Those Refund orders that failed to sync with Amazon Check the reasons here
Failed canceled orders - All those canceled Amazon orders that couldn’t get synced with your Shopify store - Check reasons here
Error Orders(Failed Shipped orders) - Those shipped orders that fail to sync on Amazon due to some reasons such as (invalid tracking details, SKU not found, the product being deleted, and so on.) Check reasons here
Shipped orders - Those Amazon orders that are now shipped on Amazon
Unshipped orders - Those Amazon orders that are yet to be shipped from Shopify
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How is my order credit count calculated?
Your order credit count will depend on your accounts. If you have 1 account, your total credit will be according to orders received in your account. If you have two, or more, then credit count will be the sum of all the accounts.
How is my order credit count calculated?
Your order credit count will depend on your accounts. If you have 1 account, your total credit will be according to orders received in your account. If you have two, or more, then credit count will be the sum of all the accounts.
If an order is synced of a product that is not uploaded via the app, does it still count?
Yes. Whether the order is for a product uploaded via our app, linked to an existing Amazon listing, or neither, as long as the order is synced to the app, it will count toward your order limit.
What happens when I reach my order limit on a paid plan?
Once you reach your plan’s order limit, you will receive excess usage credits equivalent to your current order limit, and this is provided only once every month. After using up these credits, your order syncing will be paused for the month. However, ...
Why do my order credits appear exhausted even after clearing the excess usage charges?
If you have cleared “excess usage charges'', your credits will be renewed at the beginning of the next month. However, you can upgrade your plan to refill order credits immediately.