MSRP on Wish is similar to ‘Compare at Price’ on Shopify, it is a type of reference price which helps merchants show discounts/offers on their products.
How MSRP is calculated:
If you have ‘Compare at Price’ in Shopify then it will be updated on Wish as MSRP, but Wish accepts MSRP on a product level, so we send the maximum value of ‘COP’ in case of variant products.
For example: If any product ‘A’ having 4 variation(a,b,c,d) in Shopify, and each having different compare at prices like a=10$, b=12$, c=14$, d=16$, then we will update d=16$ (maximum value) in all the variation on Wish and the MSRP would be a=16$, b=16$, c=16$, d=16$ on Wish.
Note: You can edit or update MSRP manually as well as in bulk via our App.