What is the additional shipping price and how do I assign it to my products on Wish?

What is the additional shipping price and how do I assign it to my products on Wish?

By utilizing the ‘additional shipping price,’ you can offer a low shipping price to customers when multiple quantities of the same product are purchased in a single order. This tempts customers to make more sales at the same time, so they have to pay less shipping price for each additional quantity.

For example, if the flat shipping price on a ball is $10, and you set the additional shipping price to $2, so when a customer orders 5 quantities of that ball he pays only $18 as the shipping price instead of $50.

How to set an ‘additional shipping price’ via the app?

 Follow the below steps to set prices:

  1. Go to the ‘Product’ > Shipping template
  2. Click on ‘kebab menu’> edit
  3. Scroll down to ‘Set country-wise Shipping'
  4. Add ‘additional shipping prices’ under the ‘additional item’ section.
  5. Save and proceed.

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